Erlton Bike Shop

The most wonderful thing about biking, on top of being environmentally friendly, and great for your health, is that it’s easy.  If you’ve ever thought about trying to get in shape, or just get yourself outdoors more it’s easy to get intimidated by things like couch to 5k running programs or intense interval workouts, which take weeks to build up to and can leave you breathless and back on your couch at the end of the day. With a bicycle, all you have to do is get on it.  Here a few tips to follow and encourage you get going!

Get Your Bike Out Of The Garage

Before you start riding, do a quick safety inspection of your bike.

  1. Inspect the frame for any cracks or dents which pose a safety hazard.
  2. Inflate your tires. Do they hold air? Are the tires cracked or showing signs of wear?
  3. Check your brakes. Do they feel spongy or tight?
  4. Bounce your bike gently, and listen for rattles. Some rattling is something loose that needs to be tightened!
  5. Are the handlebars straight and snug?
  6. Do the wheels spin freely without obstruction?

If your bike has been sitting for a while, or you are just unsure if it’s ready to ride, bring it to Erlton Bicycle Shop to have one of our professional bicycle mechanics do a free evaluation of your bike. Our techs will let you know what you need to do to get your bike in riding condition!

Find A Reason To Ride

Sometimes it’s hard to find time in the busy day to exercise. The great thing about biking is that it’s a great form of transportation. Bicycle design has been relatively unchanged since the 1800’s, and that’s because it’s the most energy efficient form of transportation. Not only does it not harm the environment like a car, it also improves the health of the person riding it. So the next time you need to run to the store to pick up some cream for your morning coffee, try jumping on your bike instead of taking the car. Or try joining a group ride, or event to meet people and have fun!

Ride Safe!

There are plenty of great parks and trails to ride around the area, but what if you just want to go around town? Riding your bike on the street is a safe and wonderful experience when you understand a few simple rules. Click here for more on bicycle safety.

  • Ride with traffic, and never on the sidewalk.
  • Use hand signals to signal to cars and other bicyclists where you are going. These are the same hand signals you learn in the driver’s manual.
  • Pay attention to stop signs and traffic lights, and try to make eye contact with drivers before you go through an intersection to be sure they know you are there.
  • If you’re riding at dusk, or night time, get a good set of front and rear lights. See and be seen!