Electra Ponto Bag – This easy-to-attach purse is a great gift for any woman who loves to ride. A fully functional, water-resistant purse converts in seconds to a bicycle handlebar bag. Go from riding your bike to school, or work, or shopping in 30 seconds. Only $30
Basket – no bike is complete without a basket. Carry books, water, purses, groceries, or anything you can imagine in them! Choose from our large selection of quick release or permanently mounted baskets. Starting at $30.
Trainer – if your loved one absolutely hates the cold, but loves to ride, get them a trainer to allow them to ride indoors on their own bike all year long! Staring at $119.
Saddle – a new saddle can revitalize a bike. Add a splash of her favorite color, and get matching grips or pedals! Electra offers a wide variety of beautiful saddles and grips to customize a bike. Starting at $20.